An update and business meeting between producers, suppliers, slaughterhouses, retailers, wholesalers, food service, distributors, importers, exporters and manufacturers of auxiliary machinery.
Designed to consolidate and promote the fish market in Brazil, the SEAFOOD SHOW LATIN AMERICA is the first event focused on the commercial exchange of fish from across the continent.
Promoted by FRANCAL – the largest national promoter of business events in the country – and Seafood Brasil – communication platform designed to increase consumption and generate business for the entire chain productive.
Presence confirmed
Arturo Clément
CEO of Salmon de Chile (Chile)
Cintia Miyaji
Founder of Paiche Consulting and Training
Francisco Medeiros
CEO of Peixe BR
Gustavo Donato
Professor at the Dom Cabral Foundation
Gustavo Faria
Technical Director of LEX
Giulia Simionato
Corporate Relationship of the National Forum for Animal Protection and Defense
José Lago
Regional Sales Manager LATAM at Multi X
Luís Tadeu Assad
CEO of the Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability (IABS)
Marcelo Shiraishi
President of ABGJ
Michel Simoni
EasyPac Systems Implementer
Philip Walsh
Global specialist in fish product market and marketing
Sarah de Oliveira
Founding Partner and CEO of LEX
Stella Svyatskaya
Marketing Director, North West Fishing Consortium
press releases
Seafood Show Latin America 2023 excede as expectativas e finaliza com participação recorde de varejo e food service
Feira movimentou o setor com 100 marcas presentes e crescimento de 43% de participação do setor de food service, 37% de varejo, 16% importador e 2% de distribuidor…
Jun Sakamoto é destaque no último dia do Seafood Show
Evento encerra com foco na gastronomia japonesa, tendências do novo pescado e modelos sustentáveis de negócios
Seafood Show apresenta tendências e movimentações para o varejo e premia os melhores peixeiros e inovações da indústria de pescado
Segundo dia traz palestras voltadas para varejistas e apresenta os vencedores do 2º Prêmio Melhores Peixeiros do Brasil e o Prêmio Seafood Innovation Show